The SHIFT : Aries Season + New Moon : Journey to Your Authentic Self

Aries brings forth the energy of the warrior, urging us to take action, embrace change, and embark on new beginnings. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac after all, and we can learn a thing or two from them.

The new moon in Aries may stir up feelings of restlessness, anxiety, and heightened emotions. With the ongoing uncertainty surrounding the state of our world and the feeling of helplessness many in the collective feel. It's understandable if you're feeling overwhelmed and defeated. However, instead of succumbing, we can choose to channel what we can “do” into positive and creative outlets - the collective needs you and YOUR gifts more than ever.

This new moon encourages us to reflect on who we are, who we want to become, and how we can align with our true purpose. It’s time to think about your aspirations, listen to your fears, and accept that maybe the way you have been doing things all along is not working…but WHY?

Do you even want to be doing this anymore?

Or have you gotten so caught up in proving & manifesting - you can’t acknowledge you’re unfufilled?

How has chasing the “dream” left you mentally and physically?

Aries rules the head, making us prone to headaches, sinus pressure, overthinking, and eye strain. To counteract these effects, prioritize self-care practices such as meditation, stress reduction, and limiting screen time. Acknoweldge if you are spending as much time fueling yourself and well-being as you are in chasing monetary goals and pursuits?

 As we navigate the energy of Aries season, we're reminded to stay focused on our goals while letting go of past limitations. For many of us this is our fear around money, security, destiny, or abandonment. Aries energy can prompt a need for immediate gratification, causing us to settle for the money now, while sacrificing ourselves and true dreams in the long run.

This energy is the ideal time to examine the “nodes of destiny” in your birth chart - where is fear limiting you?

How are you sabotaging yourself from behind the scenes?

This is going to be a huge theme and focus for us in this month’s SHIFT session . The new moon in Aries symbolizes a time of rebirth and renewal, marking the beginning of the astrological year. While it brings forth opportunities for growth and transformation, it also challenges us to confront our fears and insecurities. Embrace this time and sit with yourself, find your courage and know that it's through facing our vulnerabilities that we truly evolve.

 As we harness the energy of the Aries new moon, let us embrace the spirit of the warrior within us. But also let us stop fighting ourselves in the process, just long enough so we can really acknowledge where that fear lies and why. What is is trying to protect us from?

 The new moon in Aries and the season invites us to embrace change, harness our inner strength, and remeber we are all unique beings. By making friends with the energy of the warrior in us, we can navigate the collective transformative time with courage and grace. I encourage you to embrace the power of the Aries, step into your true essence and create the life of your dreams.

I hope you can join us at this month’s SHIFT Session - our online Self Care Gathering - this month we are diving into our birth charts (don’t worry I’m here to help) and if you cannot make it you can always catch the replay to continue the work on your own.

I’ve also included some of the journaling questions we will be asking ourselves in this month’s session to get you started.

 **Journal Entry 1: Exploring Self-Identity**

Who am I? What do I truly desire? Where do you need to be more courageous to live the life you desire? How do you find this courage within you?

 **Journal Entry 2: Embracing Change and Letting Go**

 What must I be willing to let go of from my past? What fears have become patterns that no longer serve me?

In what ways have I actively embraced change and stepped out of my comfort zone, aligning with the transformative energy of this lunar phase?

- In what ways have I demonstrated resilience in the face of obstacles, to navigate adversity with strength and determination?


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